poniedziałek, 29 lutego 2016


ja słyszę widzę rozumiem
jak bardzo można egzaltować
i bać się o byt społeczeństw
a umiem też mieć najzwyklej

wyjebane w te szare życiorysy
nikt prawie o moje życie się nie boi

nie będę się pierdolił wiesz

więc i Tobie

powiem od serca

tajemnica to dystans i balans

bez tego wszyscy byśmy już
połamani leżeli
na wiórach piekieł
pod mojrowymi linami

a tak przynajmniej w turbulencjach
bo ba tak bombastyczniej

stawiamy krok za krokiem

każdy kuglarz
ma miejsce w niebie

piątek, 26 lutego 2016

4H | approaches

in the neverland
of approaches
and attitudes
where there is little
sound of chains

there is youth
energy love
mess and
laugh that brings the sun

and there is this
little tear of hope
of a rotten wish
for more than this

more than what ?
you would ask ...

I am not quite sure ...
is that a good answer ?

in this world where I thought I know
everything became uncertain
just because your eyes are deep
and your smile warmer than the sun


poniedziałek, 22 lutego 2016


there is so much

there is friday
I was born on
and caesarean cut
i came to this world with

there were parents
who did not precisely knew
how to have and grow

children that I always feared
and I loved to control
and I felt powers since
little loneliness grew on me

I am not implying
trust let me please
be however I turn
as they did [my parents]

and notice how much I
need the right comprehension
I will put all dimensions
in brackets for your



breath in
breath out

it will all settle
down my ego
down my strengths

it feels like
it deserves so much
words that I'm now missing

in devotion dance
I'm flowing space
is there to be found

for pleasures and
constrains all of
that is about to settle

i hope
i do really hope
we'll find the way

for this mess

for taking
breaths in
and out.

niedziela, 21 lutego 2016

Mała Śmierć La petite mort

czy ja latam
czy rozpadam się
mięknę gubię wątki
który to mamy dzień

tego dnia
nie było w kalendarzu losu
jemy zajadamy
powietrze sprzed własnych ust

nie potrzeba mi
niczego innego chyba
poza myślę
to wszystko nie tak

wykrakała mi podświadomość
małą śmierć
zaraz po odrodzeniu.

ustalmy więc

rozpadam się w locie

piątek, 19 lutego 2016

schedule of beginnings and endings

I forgot about need
I simply haven't
eaten all day

how silly today
I haven't done much
apart from sighing
a bit more often

than usual
I have drifted
I have checked capacity
of dreams for future

the constellations confirmed
I will stay lucky as before
everything is in place
correct is the schedule of beginnings and endings

czwartek, 18 lutego 2016

slaughterhouse rise

so i got here
here I am standing

in the middle of nowhere
staging the biography
of a smug with a heart
wide open with a careful cut

in reality of the slaughterhouse
you need a sharp knife
and morals below 0 degrees Celsius
got it? you're sorted then

success is yours
as big and vast as your lack of
understanding lyrics
and perceiving music

when I was making progress
on the mechanical tape of
upcoming death
someone pinched me

as I woke up and opened
my porky eyes
I saw the face of sun
and a wink of faith

isn't life about those seconds
about sun rising and burning skin in summer
about having too much once in a while
about your warmth and loving eyes

the slaughterer will always be there
to lay a shadow over those moments
but when the job is over
he'll jump on the death tape

right after
our last hopes
will dry out of blood

poniedziałek, 1 lutego 2016


I am scared
of emotion
of nowhere in the title

I'm excitingly worried
of what is there to be missed
and with no requests
I will do my loving duty

I know by now
I've got more then a palace
I've got more than
Even a lot less than fortress

With my heart pulled on the pavement
I'll shape the right angle
Might be for us
Might be for else

Might be another death

Whatever it is

It is freedom marked 

And that the atmost of honesty